jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

Mis Deseos Para Ti

Desee Construirte una casa en las nubes Para tenerte mas cerca del CieloTrate de traerte los atardeceres de otoño Para siempre embellecer tu cieloIntente hacer que los pajarillosCanten a tu corazon lindas melodias.

Le pedi al sol que no se ocultase Y que me diera su brillo para tiLe pedi al cielo que me diera sus estrellas Para decorar tu habitacion y una luna Para iluminar en las noches tu corazon
Le pedi a la naturaleza una sombrilla de rosasPara que las gotas de rocio no humedecieran tu pelo

Pero solo pude conseguir un corazon que late por tiUna mente que solo piensa en tiY una vida que solo vive para ti Y un joven que solo te ama a ti.

Y ese joven fue,soy y sere yo.

Para Ti Mi Princesa L.M.S.

I'm Thinking in you.

Sometimes my mind is out of this world looking for some answer because there are a lot of thing that you don't know why is happening but just there are a answer really for each one of those question and the answer all these things are here to teach you to be a better in your life. And you my princess are the best because with you i cameback to the trust way to God i was lost and i find the way again. Really all day i'm thinking in you although sometime i feel like i dreaming the best dream in my life. So i want to ask you just a thing , give me time to past all these thing that i have now because i know that i a little confusing but there are reasons by i'm on that way.Thanks my princess because you always are here with me in the bad things and the good things.